Observations in swimming no one talks about

  • Hyper specializing in one event leads to local maximums (instead of global)
  • Recognizing a plateau in performance should prompt an immediate change of either training methods or stroke technique
  • The coach-athlete dynamic on a high performing swim team is isomorphic to the manager-IC dynamic in a “real world” job. Managers, like coaches, can bring out the best of their team, and are often more responsible for the success of the team than the athlete/IC likes to think
  • Past a certain point, diet optimization does not matter. Keep it simple and eat high quality food.
  • Modern training philosophy probably still involves too much yardage, even for distance swimmers. This has changed in recent years but has yet to reach the tipping point of widespread adoption.
  • Swimming is more of a body kinematics problem than a fluid dynamics one.
  • Team culture won’t directly make you faster, but it will make you enjoy training more, which gives you more opportunities to actually get faster.
  • The best way to contribute to a team is to first maximize the quality of your individual contributions, i.e., get faster. After that, it becomes much easier to elevate and inspire the people around you.
  • Choosing to swim for all four years in college will most likely put you behind in the first year of your professional engineering career from a technical and field specific knowledge standpoint. But it is worth it.
  • Time trials are a fantastic way to go a best time
  • Very few people are good enough to not try in prelims
  • “Fly and die” is generally a terrible race strategy. Your goal should be making the front half feel as easy as possible.
  • Every training regime will work well for at least one person work terribly for at least one other person.
  • The negative effects of partying mainly come from disease transmission rather than excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Cliques of four to six people will tend to form on any team. This is totally normal and actually a good thing. Inter-clique relationships should still be maintained at a high priority though.
  • Yes, you were actually just as green as new guys.

Last updated: 2025-01-07

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